The Irish Continental Group

The Irish Continental Group : a who's who of the company boardroom.

The Irish Continental Group: a who's who of the company boardroom.

There are six directors on the board of Irish Continental Group, three of whom are executives of the company and three of whom are non-executive directors.

Executive directors

Mr Rothwell, who has been managing director since 1992, owns 8.2 per cent of ICG, a shareholding with a value of €18.64 million using yesterday's market capitalisation figure for ICG of €227.4 million.


Market capitalisation is the number of shares issued multiplied by the latest share price.

Mr Rothwell, a former head of equities with NCB stockbrokers, put together the finance to purchase Irish Continental Lines.

A few years later he was behind the purchase of loss-making B&I from the State for £1. He has since built these companies into the ICG group.As well as his shareholding he also owns 500,000 share options, according to the company's latest annual report.

These options are exercisable depending on certain circumstances.

The value of the options is dependent on the share price at which they are exercised. They are currently worth, in theory, between €2.45 and €4.50 each.

Mr Rothwell received a total remuneration package of €687,000 in 2004, up from €652,000 the previous year.

Profits before tax were €9.2 million, down from €17.7 million the previous year.He is not a director of any other substantial, publicly known companies. A request for an interview yesterday met with no response.

He qualified as a chartered accountant with KPMG.

Mr O'Dea received a remuneration package of €321,000 in 2004, up from €283,000 the previous year.

He had 179,377 shares in the company at the end of 2004, and 230,000 share options. The shares would have a current value of €1.75 million.

A former chairman of the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation, Mr Kelly is a director of the all-Ireland tourism body, Tourism Ireland.

Mr Kelly received €224,000 from the company in 2004, the same figure as in 2003.

He has 37,088 shares in the company, as per the 2004 annual report. These are worth more than €360,000. He has 152,500 share options.

Non-executive directors

His other directorships include public companies AIB and Unidare. He is a member of the remuneration committee of the ICG board, agreeing the remuneration package for senior executives.

A request for an interview with Mr McGuckian, in relation to Irish Ferries, met with no response. Mr McGuckian was paid €73,000 by ICG in 2004, up from €35,000 the previous year.

Mr Crowley was paid €40,000 by ICG in 2004, up from €9,000 the previous year.

He founded Somers and Associates, a firm specialising in corporate restructuring.

Mr Somers was paid €33,000 in 2004. A request for an interview met with no response.