The Seven Wonders of the World

I wonder how many of my readers could name off-hand the Seven Wonders of the World

I wonder how many of my readers could name off-hand the Seven Wonders of the World. The question was put recently to three business men of my acquaintance, but none could name correctly more than two. All named the Pyramids, and then, rather hesitatingly, one suggested the Hanging Gardens at Babylon, but all of them overlooked the remaining five: - The Temple of Diana at Ephesus, the Statue of Jupiter at Athens, the Mausoleum, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Pharos of Alexandria.

In the Middle Ages a revised list of Seven Wonders was drawn up, and this consisted of:

The Coliseum at Rome;

The Great Wall of China;


The Catacombs of Alexandria;


The Leaning Tower of Pisa;

The Porcelain of St. Sophia at Constantinople.

Several lists of natural wonders of the world have been complied, and in most of these Ireland is represented by the Giant's Causeway. A list of Seven Modern Wonders would be highly interesting.

The Irish Times, September 23rd, 1930.