The tale of the Nazi gold trail to Argentina

Argentina: A new documentary traces how Nazis smuggled gold and cash from Europe to Argentina after the second World War.

Argentina: A new documentary traces how Nazis smuggled gold and cash from Europe to Argentina after the second World War.

Directed by Argentine Rolo Preyra - who died of a heart attack last week aged 53 - Nazi Gold in Argentina reveals how Swiss banks, Catholic bishops and Argentine politicians helped to plunder millions of dollars in Third Reich treasures to the New World.

Hundreds of Nazis flocked to Argentina after the war, drawn by the open-door policy of General Juan Domingo Peron. But Nazi ties to the political and economic elite outlasted Mr Peron, the film shows.

"What surprised us is that the trail of this money leads to the heirs of many families, even up to the 1980s and 90s," said Mr Preyra. "These people are linked to the Argentine oligarchy and the economically powerful."-(Reuters)