The World This Week

Today: Austria and Greece enter EU Schengen agreement. EU telecom council meets. EU economy and finance council meets

Today: Austria and Greece enter EU Schengen agreement. EU telecom council meets. EU economy and finance council meets. Chemical weapons conference begins in The Hague. WEU parliamentary assembly meets in Paris. Climate change convention begins in Kyoto, Japan. World Aids Day.

Tomorrow: Trial of 19 Albanians on terrorism charges resumes in Kosovo. WTO market access committee meets in Geneva. EU social affairs council meets in Brussels. EU transport council meets in Brussels. NATO defence ministers meet in Brussels. German SPD holds conference in Hanover. Conference on "Nazi gold" in London. Canada presides over signing of landmine treaty in Ottawa.

Wednesday: Louise Woodward back in court. Release of report on 1994 Estonian ferry sinking. Eurofighter defence ministers to sign accord in Brussels. State funeral for late president of Malawi, Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Opening statements in Oklahoma city bombing trial. European Parliament discusses enlargement.

Thursday: Netanyahu visits Germany. EFTA ministers meet in Geneva. EU health council meets. EU-Canada summit in Ottawa. EU-Mercosur meeting in Uruguay. EU justice/home affairs council meets central and east European countries. EU relations with developing countries commissioner Joao de Deus Pinheiro visits Angola.


Friday: Duma debates draft budget. Opposition Party of Democratic Revolution takes over running of Mexico. US-EU summit in Washington. Canadian UN troops begin leaving Haiti. Environmental protection conference in Beijing.

Saturday: EU environment commissioner Ritt Bjerregaard visits Japan.

Sunday: Presidential elections in Republika Sprska (Bosnian-Serb republic). UN reviews Iraqi oil-for-food deal. Organisation of Islamic Conference meeting in Tehran. International Conference on AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases in Abidjan.


Monday: The French amabassador, Mr Henri Benoit de Coignac, presents his credentials to the President, Mrs McAleese, at Aras an Uachtarain

Irish events should be received by David Shanks, Foreign Desk, by the Friday before publication