The World This Week

Today: Annan reports on Kosovo to UN Security Council

Today: Annan reports on Kosovo to UN Security Council. Russian parliamentary committee discusses proposals to impeach Yeltsin.

Tomorrow: Official opening ceremony of European Central Bank in Frankfurt. Yeltsin reports to the parliament's upper house on anti-crisis programme. Municipal elections in Mozambique.

Wednesday: Austria assumes EU Presidency. Meeting between Austrian government and European Commission in Vienna. Italy assumes WEU presidency. Chinese president in Hong Kong.

Thursday: Hong Kong Legislative Council meets for first time since elections.


Friday: EU transport commissioner in Hungary. Two members of Amish sect appear in court in Philadelphia charged with trafficking in cocaine.

Saturday: UN International Day of Co-operatives.

Sunday: Euro Council of 11 EU members in single currency meet in Brussels on fringe of Ecofin meeting.


Today: "Peacekeepers: 40 years of the Irish Defence Forces with the UN" exhibition opens at National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks. President McAleese opens International Conference of the International Federation of Widows and Widowers Associations.

Wednesday: Oireachtas Joint Committee on Europe Affairs discusses EMU, at 2.30 p.m. Foreign affairs committee discusses greater Europe's security, at 5.30 p.m. Launch of Original Sin in a Brave New World; an account of the negotiations of the Amsterdam Treaty" by Bobby McDonagh (of the DFA) by David Andrews at the Institute of European Affairs (IEA).

Thursday: IEA seminar on "EU Environment Policy post-Amsterdam Treaty" (Fax: 01.8786880)

Irish events of a world news interest for this column should be received by David Shanks, Foreign Desk, on the Friday before publication.