The World This Week

Today: Algeria celebrates independence anniversary by pardoning thousands of Muslim militants

Today: Algeria celebrates independence anniversary by pardoning thousands of Muslim militants. Three-day conference on Middle East peace process opens in Cairo.

Tomorrow: Annan begins tour of north-west Africa. OSCE parliamentary assembly meets in St Petersburg.

Wednesday: NATO Secretary-General visits Romania. General council of WTO meets. Colombian government meets rebel Revolution Armed Forces. Russia and Baltic ministers hold conference in Pskov.

Thursday: Solana in Bulgaria. African foreign ministers meet in Algiers. Latvian parliament holds extraordinary session on language law. Official results from June 7th Indonesian elections expected to be released by National Election Commission. Latvian president-elect Vike-Freiberga takes office.


Friday: King Hassan of Morocco celebrates 70th birthday.

Saturday: First Russian ship leaves taking supplies to Kosovo. Secretary-General of Council of Europe visits Jerusalem. Indian political party BJP holds manifesto meeting. National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People holds annual convention in New York.

Sunday: UN's World Population Day. Niger hold constitutional referendum.


Tomorrow: Fine Gael leader leaves for EPP rally in Malaga. President McAleese receives Princess Benedikte of Denmark.

Wednesday: President McAleese opens International conference on Psychology and Law at TCD. President receives credentials of ambassadors of the Philippines, Malta and Indonesia. US Republican Congressman Benjamin A. Gilman of New York addresses public meeting in UCC at 9 a.m. on "US European Relationships in the 21st Century". Institute of European Affairs lecture on "France's European Policy" - keynote speaker Pierre Moscovici, French Minister for European Affairs - 5 p.m. Bipartisan US Congress delegation in Belfast. Six Irish men take part in Pamplona bull run in aid of Irish Kidney Association.

Thursday: Former US Senator George Mitchell delivers third Millennium Lecture "Making Peace", UCG, 7 p.m.

Irish events of a world news interest for this column should be received by David Shanks, Foreign Desk, on the Friday before publication.