Theatre Dream

Take one claustrophobic reviewer with a fear of the dark. Lead by torchlight to invisible seat in unseeable space

Take one claustrophobic reviewer with a fear of the dark. Lead by torchlight to invisible seat in unseeable space. Leave in pitch black for an hour I must admit, after the initial panic, the experience of sitting in the velvety dark is indescribably powerful. Unfortunately, the rest of Theatre Dream is not. One actor paces about intoning a semi-poetic narration involving ghosts and dreams. A recorded female voice cheerily invites us to open envelopes hidden under the seats. We eat sweets (that's a good bit) and write down a wish. More monotone narration, the odd sound effect and some singing and that's about it. Primitive Science theatre company is obviously trying to produce a dream-like experience. Yet neither the dull narration nor the predictable use of space is imaginative enough to harness the power of the dark.

Until Saturday, 8 p.m