`They made us kneel ... everyone who was still alive, they gave the coup de grace'

Rosemarie Douce is an elderly, grey-haired Swiss woman, one of the tourists caught in Monday's attack at Luxor in Egypt, writes…

Rosemarie Douce is an elderly, grey-haired Swiss woman, one of the tourists caught in Monday's attack at Luxor in Egypt, writes Lara Marlowe. As she lay in a hospital bed, she calmly recounted the horrific experience she had lived through. This is her story, broadcast on the French television network TF1 yesterday:

"As we were going out, we heard shooting. They came towards us quickly. We hid behind a statue. And then they were very, very young people who came. They were all armed. And then they made us kneel and they started to shoot.

"And then a very big gentleman fell on top of me and the woman behind also covered me. Only my arm and my leg were sticking out, so they shot into my arm and then into my leg. And then they started again. Everyone who was still alive, they gave them the coup de grace in the head.

"Then they left for a little while. I heard, I think it was the lady, who was saying, `Don't move. They're coming back.' So I hid under the big man. I soaked my scarf that I had on my head in the blood and I put blood all over me. I had my head completely hidden and I didn't move anymore.


"And then they kept coming back all the time, the terrorists. And they were dancing and singing. They sang, `Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah'. And then later someone pulled me by the legs and I thought it was the terrorists again, but it was people who had come to help us. That's all I know."

Switzerland is the country which suffered the most in yesterday's massacre, with over 30 of its nationals dead.