Thieves target Bray fire station during call-out

Gardaí in Co Wicklow are searching for thieves targeted a fire station in Bray while the crew were out answering an emergency…

Gardaí in Co Wicklow are searching for thieves targeted a fire station in Bray while the crew were out answering an emergency call last night

Several firefighters' car, together with wallets and other personal items, were taken during the break-in at the fire station.

Sinn Féin councillor John Brady urged anyone with the slightest information that could lead to the robbers being unmasked to contact the gardaí.

Councillor Brady said: "This is a despicable and outrageous act. To think that while firemen are out risking their lives on behalf of their community you have scumbags breaking into the fire station and stealing their belongings is beyond belief or comprehension."

Coming just a year after two of the town's firefighters lost their lives in the line of duty, the robbery represented a new low, he said.

The thieves found firemen's car keys among their belongings and used them to gain access to their vehicles and drive them off.

As well as urging people to contact the garda, the councillor also called for a review of security at the fire station following the incident.