Third-level fees

A timeline of the third-level fees debate

A timeline of the third-level fees debate

1995: Third level fees abolished by education minister Niamh Bhreathnach.

September 24th 2002: Education minister Noel Dempsey proposes the reintroduction of fees for those who can afford them. "The wealthy should be able to meet their own expenses," he said. He proposes an annual charge of between €4,000 to €5,000.

October 2002: Students march in protest.


May 21st 2003: Mr Dempsey defends plan in the Seanad. The minister is now in stand off with cabinet colleagues. Taoiseach Bertie Ahern leaves open the possibility that students from families earning more than €200,000 a year could be charged.

May 23rd 2003: Mr Dempsey is to ask the OECD to review third-level education.

May 25th 2003: Mr Dempsey concedes there will be no return of fees.

August 2003: A report reveals that only one in five people from the lowest income groups goes to third level, compared to 97 per cent among highest earners.

November 2003: The chairman of the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Dr Don Thornhill, suggests that fees should be paid by students who reach fourth year college.

April 2004: The Department of Education says it is examining Dr Thornhill's proposal, including the possibility of an Australian-style loan system.

September 2004: OECD review says the abolition of college fees has provided "substantial subsidies to students whose families could well afford to pay".

May 2005: Dr Danny O'Hare, former president of DCU, says the Government needs to make the "quantum leap" to make up the gap in funding for third-level institutions.

March 2007: UCC president Dr Michael Murphy calls for fees.

June 2007: TCD provost Dr John Hegarty urges return of fees but says any new regime must make provision for disadvantaged students.

July 2008: DCU president Ferdinand von Prondzynski suggests fees need to be reintroduced to protect university funding, saying I think sooner or later that nettle will have to be grasped.

Sunday: Minister for Education Batt O'Keeffe tells The Irish Timesthat the return of fees can no longer be ruled out to ensure that universities are properly funded.