Third man on Moonan murder charge

A third man was charged yesterday with murdering Mr Desmond Moonan (53) who was strangled in east Belfast a week ago

A third man was charged yesterday with murdering Mr Desmond Moonan (53) who was strangled in east Belfast a week ago. Mr Peter Davies (26), of Utility Street men's hostel, in Donegall Road, Belfast, was remanded in custody to appear in court again on September 10th along with the two men already charged.

A detective inspector told the Magistrates Court that when Mr Davies was charged he replied: "Not guilty." He agreed with defence solicitor, Mr Billy McNulty, there was no forensic or identification evidence to link Mr Davies to the killing. The inspector said the evidence was circumstantial, as well as remarks Mr Davies was alleged to have made.

Mr McNulty said Mr Davies was denying the offence and would be applying for bail in the High Court in due course.