Third sex abuse trial abandoned

The Director of Public Prosecutions has decided not to proceed with a third trial of a Monaghan farmer who denied sexually abusing…

The Director of Public Prosecutions has decided not to proceed with a third trial of a Monaghan farmer who denied sexually abusing his son and daughter. Mr

Maurice Gaffney SC, prosecuting, asked Mr Justice Morris at the Central Criminal

Court yesterday to enter a nolle prosequi and the case was struck out.

During the first trial in May 1994, Mr Justice Carney became concerned for the mental well-being of the farmer's daughter while she was giving evidence.


The farmer was convicted of 14 counts of rape, incest, buggery and sexual assault. His case was referred to the Court of Criminal Appeal before sentence.

His counsel submitted that documentation had come to light after the trial which tended to conflict with the evidence. The conviction was quashed and a retrial was ordered. The retrial opened in October 1996 but the jury was discharged after four days.