TIME to cover up the seakale with a nice mulch of compost or under a bucket, a wooden box or a special seakale pot

TIME to cover up the seakale with a nice mulch of compost or under a bucket, a wooden box or a special seakale pot. Some gardeners use old chimney pots, covering the top with a slate. To help keep the plants snug and raise the temperature a little, some compost can be piled against the outside of the pot. Over the next two months the seakale shoots will develop in the dark and the blanched shoots can be harvested, cut cleanly away from the root with a knife. There is nothing nicer, not even asparagus.

The same treatment can be given to rhubarb, thereby producing an early crop of blanched stems. A more spacious box or cover will be required than for the seakale. You will find it delicious too.