This Week They Said

I am not going down the route of an all-singing, all-dancing type of approach to this

I am not going down the route of an all-singing, all-dancing type of approach to this. - Minister for Transport Martin Cullen says the stock market flotation of Aer Lingus will not be accompanied by the heavy marketing that accompanied the privatisation of Eircom.

We're in a state of readiness.

Department of Agriculture secretary general Tom Moran, amid reports that avian flu has reached the UK.

How can it be comfortable for parties with democratic mandates to be out of government?


The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, as the Irish and British governments attempt to restore the Northern Assembly.

There's been suspension of the Assembly here for more than three and a half years, that's a very long time and the instability, the insecurity, the possibility of reverting to conflict, all are greater when you have a vacuum.

Senator George Mitchell says it is important that the Assembly is up and running soon.

Over the course of time I saw several other people jumping - I can't remember how many. Two of them I saw were holding hands. Of the many memories that stick in your mind from that day, that's the one I remember every day.

Former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani describes witnessing the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. He was giving evidence at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person to be prosecuted in connection with the attacks.

If you're scared of the interior minister, don't be. He doesn't scare my dog.

Saddam Hussein tells the judge at his trial in Baghdad that he isn't intimated by Iraq's new regime.

It is clear to me that in a number of recent cash-in-transit robberies there has been a radical departure from ordinary standards of safety and good practice. These lapses in standards are completely unacceptable and they are inexcusable.

Minister for Justice Michael McDowell, after the robbery last weekend of €750,000 from a security van in west Dublin.

Ireland should consider the possibility of developing nuclear energy as a more long-term solution.

Forfás, the State enterprise agency, says Ireland must contemplate the nuclear option as the world begins to run dry of fossil fuels.

It really did surprise me... that we didn't have any more seriously injured patients or fatalities.

Dr Seán O'Rourke, the emergency consultant who attended the scene of the midlands school-bus crash that claimed a student's life, says he is surprised there weren't further causalities.

Economy is on the rise, kicking into overdrive /Angry liberals can't believe it's 'cause of W's policies.

Some of the lyrical highlights of Bush Is Right from Tennessee duo the Right Brothers, which has proved a hit in the American south.

You will be cursed by the other generations - and you will come to rule over them.

What Jesus said to Judas, according to the Gospel of Judas, a 1,700-year-old manuscript restored by the National Geographic Society.