This Week They Said

Europe on the international stage grows day by day... We need somebody who can competently deal with that.

Europe on the international stage grows day by day . . . We need somebody who can competently deal with that.

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, as EU leaders haggle over who will succeed Romano Prodi as European Commission president.

As you might know, my father and I have decided to call each other by numbers. He's 41, I'm 43. It's a great pleasure to honour number 42. We're glad you're here, 42.

President Bush pays tribute to his predecessor, Bill Clinton.


Please issue an order that they have to appear as witnesses here.

Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic demands that Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and Gerhard Schröder be subpoenaed to testify at his war-crimes trial in the Hague.

Prisoners are like dogs, and if you allow them to believe at any point that they are more than a dog, then you've lost control of them.

Brig-Gen Janis Karpinski, formerly in charge of US prisons in Iraq, says this was the advice she was given by Maj-Gen Geoffrey Miller, who is now in charge.

Iran's parliament does not take orders from foreigners.

The speaker of the Iranian parliament, Gholamali Haddad-Adel, after European leaders express concern over alleged nuclear tests.

I want our people to be patient this month against those forces that are trying to assault them, and I promise the people that we are going to get rid of them. Victory will be ours.

Iyad Allawi, Iraqi Prime Minister, after another suicide bombing in Baghdad.

The decline in usage of the Act has gone far beyond what the Government had intended when it decided to introduce fees.

Information Commissioner Emily O'Reilly says use of the Freedom of Information Act has fallen since new fees were introduced.

If we look for reform, but give up as soon as someone says he or she does not like that reform, then the country would not be where it is today.

The Taoiseach says the Government will not embark on a major policy shift in the wake of its poor performance in the European and council elections.

Like Schwarzenegger, I'll be back.

Dana Rosemary Scallon, who lost her European Parliament seat.

Europe has been too absent in too many campaigns.

Pat Cox, outgoing European Parliament president, laments low turnout and a swing towards anti-EU parties across the continent in the European elections.

Give the English pains in their legs. Rip out this page, stick it to the wall, give it a good going-over with nails, needles and the stapler. And believe in it.

An advertisement in a Swiss newspaper urges soccer fans to perform voodoo on an effigy of England's David Beckham ahead of the Euro 2004 clash between the two sides.

They are going to be found guilty. We know the outcome. It is a show trial.

Robert Amsterdam, a lawyer for Mikhail Khodorkovsky, reputedly Russia's richest man, who is being tried on fraud charges.

It is pretty bad. It makes me look like Meryl Streep. It is kind of weird.

Britney Spears says her official doll looks nothing like her.