This Week They Said

I've no reason not to trust him and I think he's a man of his word

I've no reason not to trust him and I think he's a man of his word. - Outgoing Green Party leader Trevor Sargent is satisfied with the Taoiseach's account of his personal finances.

The planet is in distress and all of the attention is on Paris Hilton. We have to ask ourselves what is going on here.

- Al Gore, former US vice-president turned environmental campaigner.

The level of gross, unrelenting and gratuitous violence is unacceptable.


- The Irish Film Censor's Office explains its move to ban the controversial video-game Manhunt 2.

This insulting, suspicious and improper act by the British government is an obvious example of fighting against Islam.

- Ebrahim Rahimpour, Iran's foreign ministry director for Europe, on the decision to grant author Salman Rushdie a knighthood.

Committing regime change on itself.

- The US ambassador to Zimbabwe, Christopher Dell, says the government of Robert Mugabe is steering the country deeper into disaster, with hyperinflation predicted to top 1.5 million per cent by the end of the year.

Dublin is a multicultural society, and everybody's supposed to be welcome and it's time to prove it.

- Willie Frazer, one of the organisers of a planned second "Love Ulster" march in Dublin.

If celebrity is a credit card, then I'm using it.

- Actor George Clooney, who has formed a charity to help victims in Darfur.

I would say Ireland has become the pre-eminent voice for human rights in the European Union.

- Former US president Jimmy Carter as the State donates €600,000 to his Carter foundation.

Part of our university would be on the Mexican side of the fence . . . Would the students need to show a passport?

- Antonio Zavaleta, vice-president of the University of Texas at Brownsville, amid plans to construct a 370-mile barrier along the US-Mexico border.

Thou shalt not make rude gestures behind the steering wheel.

- The Vatican issues "Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road" in an attempt to address road rage.

This attack was planned and carried out by sick souls.

- Sheik Saleh Al-Haidari, imam of the Shia Khulani Mosque in Baghdad, where 87 people were killed and 200 injured in a bomb attack.