This Week They Said

You have permission to call me anything you want - except sir, all right? Lord of lords, your demigodness, that'll do

You have permission to call me anything you want - except sir, all right? Lord of lords, your demigodness, that'll do .- Bono receives an honorary knighthood.

Isn't it time for us to start withdrawing our forces from Iraq and let them determine their own future?

- Faye Turney, a captured British sailor, in a purported letter to the House of Commons that was released by Iran on Thursday.

A year ago my approval rating was in the 30s, my nominee for the Supreme Court had just withdrawn and my vice-president had shot someone. Ah, those were the good ol' days.


- US president George Bush.

The real blame should be directed at us, the leaders of the Arab nation.

- King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia chastises fellow Middle East leaders for bickering and infighting.

This is one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.

- Bill Donohue, of the US Catholic League, as a chocolate sculpture of Jesus is unveiled in New York.

If there's going to be a free encyclopedia, I'd like there to be a better free encyclopedia.

- Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia, who is launching Citizendium, an alternative to Wikipedia that emphasises the credibility of its contributors.

I express my sympathy toward the comfort women and apologise for the situation they found themselves in.

- Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, referring to second World War-era sex slaves.

The court has punished him for insulting the king. This is a serious crime.

- Judge Phitsanu Tanbukalee sentences Oliver Jufer (57), from Zurich, to 10 years in prison for insulting the country's king. Jufer admitted defacing images of King Bhumibol Adulyadej during a drunken rampage with a can of spray-paint.

If drivers had maintained their distance and driven according to the conditions, this wouldn't have happened. People just don't seem to be slowing down and maintaining a proper distance.

- Sgt Gerry Goode, the Garda division traffic sergeant for Carlow and Kildare, on this week's motorway crashes involving up to 60 vehicles on the M7 and M9 in Kildare.

Frankly, given what it looks like, we don't have the technical capacity to create something like this. It's pretty extraordinary.

- US presidential candidate Barack Obama, on a viral "mash-up" video that showed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton edited into an iconic Apple Computer television spot from 1984.

If I give an interview to you, I have to give an interview to everyone.

- Reclusive author Gabriel García Márquez is pursued by a reporter.

I have very mixed feelings about it all, but mostly I want Ed to succeed.

- Maureen Joyce, mother of Irish cricketer Ed Joyce. Joyce played for England against Ireland in the World Cup yesterday.

This tribunal has taken over my life, it has been a cancer to me.

- Michael Lowry at the Moriarty tribunal.

You and your smarmy pundits and the smarmy pundits you have in your pocket can take your war and shove it.

- Sean Penn, actor and critic of the Bush White House, has a message for the president.