Thousands march over cuts in Dublin

Thousands of community workers, employers and activists took to the streets of Dubl

Thousands of community workers, employers and activists took to the streets of Dubl

The Communities against Cuts campaign said an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 people marched from Parnell Square to Molesworth Street before holding a rally outside the Dáil.

Women's groups from Donegal, Roscommon, Mayo and Clare waved placards alongside Dublin Port workers and Trócaire supporters.

The campaign represents thousands of workers providing services to children, the elderly, disabled, recovering drug addicts, Travellers, young people and women in disadvantaged areas.

Campaign chairman David Connolly said Government cutbacks had already seen the closure of community development projects and the McCarthy report proposals, if implemented, would result in the loss of a further 6,500 jobs in the community sector.

The crowd chanted "bankers play while communities play" and "communities united will not be defeated" as they made their way to the Dáil.

Shoppers, tourists and office workers on their lunch breaks paused to watch the march and some took photographs with their mobile phones as the marchers banged bodhráns and blew whistles and horns.

Ictu president Jack O'Connor told the crowds this was the first of many such marches and he urged people to fight against the cuts.

Impact deputy general secretary Shay Cody said the Government was "slashing and burning the vital services that we most need".

And Susan McKay of the National Women's Council drew large cheers when she said women did not create the property boom and bust but they would be expected to clean up the mess.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times