Threat to seek High Court order is deferred

A threat by the tribunal chairman to seek a High Court order of committal and attachment of Mr Liam Lawlor for non-compliance…

A threat by the tribunal chairman to seek a High Court order of committal and attachment of Mr Liam Lawlor for non-compliance with court orders to produce documents and information has been deferred, the tribunal was told yesterday.

Mr John Gallagher SC, for the tribunal, said that in the first affidavit to the tribunal Mr Lawlor had given a list of 18 bank accounts. Mr Gallagher said the tribunal had reason to believe there were a further 12. Mr Lawlor also gave a list of seven companies he had an association with since the 1960s.

A second affidavit was received yesterday listing a further 10 accounts with a box of documents which the tribunal had not yet looked at.

Mr Gallagher said the tribunal had written to Mr Lawlor's solicitor on December 5th stating that in the first affidavit there was apparently no meaningful attempt by Mr Lawlor to furnish documents as ordered by the Supreme Court.


It was stated the chairman had decided to seek an attachment and committal order if Mr Lawlor did not comply with the court orders by yesterday.

Mr Lawlor's solicitor replied to the tribunal on December 7th, saying the intention to seek an attachment order would only "cause him embarrassment as a member of Dail Eireann".

The tribunal stated the order for committal would be deferred until after December 12th. Mr Gallagher said of the second affidavit: "It doesn't appear even at this stage that all the accounts known to the tribunal have been disclosed."