Three former TDs to speak for Labour

The Labour Party has appointed three of its former TDs as spokeswomen in key policy areas, writes Paul Cullen

The Labour Party has appointed three of its former TDs as spokeswomen in key policy areas, writes Paul Cullen. The former Minister for Education, Ms Niamh Bhreatnach, becomes the spokeswoman for public service and the citizen; Ms Joan Burton returns to cover human rights and development co-operation; and Ms Eithne Fitzgerald is to be spokeswoman for Dublin.

A party spokesman said the move was designed to give the three women a higher public profile and more input into policymaking. All of the party's TDs and senators already have a full load of portfolios, he said.

Denying that it was unusual to go outside the parliamentary party to find spokespersons, he pointed out that Labour had done this on a previous occasion, before the 1992 election.

Labour leader Mr Ruairi Quinn said all three women will be seeking re-election to the Dail at the next election. "The Labour Party is determined to ensure that the crucial issues of citizens' rights, international justice and the future of Dublin remain at the heart of the political agenda."


Both Ms Burton and Ms Fitzgerald were junior ministers in the last Coalition government.