Three Israelis killed in Gaza bombing

Three Israelis have been killed and two wounded after a bomb went off next to a tank in the Gaza Strip.

Three Israelis have been killed and two wounded after a bomb went off next to a tank in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli military officials say Palestinians opened fire on a civilian convoy guarded by soldiers and set off a bomb.

The Israelis sent a tank into the area and a huge bomb exploded under it, they said. The officials would not say whether the casualties were soldiers or civilians.

The incident took place near the Netzarim intersection south-east of Gaza City.


The Israeli rescue service Magen David Adom sent ambulances to the scene of the bombing. The wounded were taken to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba.

The attack follows an Israeli incursion into Palestinian-controlled areas of Gaza.

The 18-hour operation, the largest in Gaza since violence erupted more than 16 months ago, ended last night.

Five Palestinians were killed during the raids, which the Israeli military said were a response to rocket fire by Hamas militants on Sunday.