Three sentenced for false meat stamps

Three men involved in the meat trade were given prison sentences for offences involving false meat stamps at Rathkeale District…

Three men involved in the meat trade were given prison sentences for offences involving false meat stamps at Rathkeale District Court yesterday.

All three pleaded guilty and Judge Mary O'Halloran said the crimes "were of reckless greed. There was a flagrant breach of the regulations". She described the charges as extremely serious.

A former manager of the Larry Goodman-owned AIBP plant in Rathkeale, Austin Finn, of Muckalee, Ballydoyle, Co Kilkenny, was sentenced to three months and fined £500 for possessing meat intended for human consumption which did not bear a health mark in accordance with Section 41 of the 1988 Abattoirs Act on a date between March 1st and March 7th, 1997. He was given three months to pay or 35 days in default. Recognisances were fixed in the event of an appeal in his own bond of £1,000 and an independent surety of £1,000 .

Willie Fennell, a meat trader, of Lyradane Avenue, Woodview, Limerick, was also given a three months' prison sentence and fined £500 for supplying the meat to AIBP which did not bear a health mark. Recognisances were fixed in the event of an appeal.


Michael Hackett, of Newport, Co Tipperary, an employee of Mr Fennell, was given a three months' suspended sentence and fined £250 for applying a health mark to meat intended for human consumption. He had to enter into a bond for good behaviour for 18 months and £200 was lodged to the court . He was also fined £250 with three months to pay and 15 days in default.