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Fine Gael has its best chance for many years to get a second seat in Limerick East

Fine Gael has its best chance for many years to get a second seat in Limerick East. The last time it won two was in 1981, when neophyte Michael Noonan was elected alongside former minister Tom O'Donnell. Now that Noonan is party leader, there is keen competition to join him on the Fine Gael ticket.

It all seemed to be in the bag for Senator Mary Jackman, who had been nominated for another tilt at the Dβil before the heave which ousted John Bruton. But now former senator and city mayor, Alderman Pat Kennedy, is making no secret of his ambitions to run with Noonan. There is an unspoken threat, say Fine Gael sources, that Kennedy may run as an independent if he does not get the nomination