Tidy desk clue to social misfits - research

Workers' characters are reflected in the way they arrange their desk, with social misfits likely to be the tidiest, according…

Workers' characters are reflected in the way they arrange their desk, with social misfits likely to be the tidiest, according to a new survey.

Staff give off "hidden messages" if their desks are piled high with papers or adorned with toys and family photographs, research found.

Different "tribal groups" were identified in the study by internet retailer buy.com, including:

Money lenders:An office worker whose desk is littered with personal items such as keys, mobile phones or wallets are trusting types who have no reservations about lending cash to colleagues.


Mother figure searchers:People with a tidy, neat desks, devoid of personal items are social misfits with no real friends.

Tea and sympathy makers:Staff with photos and toys everywhere are most likely to lend a sympathetic ear to people's problems.

Corporate psychologist Mr Ben Williams said office workers spend most of their time at a desk.

"It is inevitable that the items on their workstations and the way they are arranged will reflect the person's character and way of working" he said.