'Time' honours Geldof and McCartneys

Bob Geldof, the McCartney sisters and a South African bishop with an Irish passport are among 37 people selected by Time magazine…

Bob Geldof, the McCartney sisters and a South African bishop with an Irish passport are among 37 people selected by Time magazine as its "2005 European Heroes". Bono was omitted from this year's list as he was named (hero) in 2003.

Bob Geldof was named with Richard Curtis ("as well as their mate Bono"), for organising the Live 8 concerts this summer and the march on the G8 summit at Gleneagles as part of a campaign to make poverty history, particularly in Africa.

The five McCartney sisters and their brother Robert's fiancée, Bridgeen Hagans, were named because "standing up to the IRA just isn't done in Northern Ireland".

Bishop Kevin Dowling, born in Pretoria of an Irish background and holding an Irish passport, was named a Time "2005 European Hero" for his advocacy of the use of condoms in the fight against HIV/Aids.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times