Today In The Oireachtas



2.30 p.m. Questions (Taoiseach and Minister for Defence)

4.15 p.m. Order of Business. Motion: Approval of terms of agreement establishing Advisory Centre on WTO Law. Teaching Council Bill. Interpretation Bill.

7 p.m. Private Members Business. Twenty First Amendment of the Constitution Bill (to guarantee certain social and economic rights for all citizens. (Labour Party)


8.30 p.m. Matters on the Adjournment

Committees in Public Session

1 p.m. Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights, Room G2, Kildare House. Agenda: Presentation by the Law Reform Commission on new work programme.

2.30 p.m. Select Committee on Health and Children, Room G5, Kildare House. Agenda: Mental Health Bill.

2.45 p.m. Joint Committee on Family, Community and Social Affairs, Room G2, Kildare House. Agenda: Presentation by Officials of the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs: Review of the One-Parent Family Payment.