Today In The Oireachtas

Dail Eireann

Dail Eireann

2.30 p.m.

Questions to the Taoiseach and Minister for Education and Science.

4.15 p.m.


Order of Business. Qualifications (Education and Training) Bill, 1999.

Fine Gael motion on Aer Rianta plan for Great Southern Hotels Group.

Committees In Public Session

Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service, (Room G2, Kildare House at 11 a.m.) Agenda: Meeting with Executive Directors of IMF and World Bank.

Select Committee on Family, Community and Social Affairs (Room G2, Kildare House at 2.30 p.m.) Agenda: 1999 Estimate for Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs.

Select Committee on Public Enterprise and Transport, (Room G5, Kildare House at 3.15 p.m.) Agenda: Electricity Regulation Bill, 1998.

Joint Committee on Education and Science, (Room G2, Kildare House at 5 p.m.) Agenda: Department of Education and Science on role of music in Education.