Toll road talks at Labour Court end without progress

Conciliation talks aimed at finding a resolution to the toll roads dispute have ended without any real progress being made, according…

Conciliation talks aimed at finding a resolution to the toll roads dispute have ended without any real progress being made, according to a spokesman for the National Toll Roads management.

Both SIPTU and the management are expected to return to the Labour Court on Monday. Although the spokesman admitted that little progress had been made, he emphasised that discussions between both sides were continuing.

Pickets will not be placed on either the East or West link toll bridges in Dublin pending the outcome of the talks on Monday.

The two-week old dispute centres on pay and working hours and there are fears that it could escalate after SIPTU asked the Irish Congress of Trade Unions last Tuesday for an all-out picket.


If the application succeeds unionised taxi drivers, local authority workers and trade union members could be asked not to pass the SIPTU picket.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor