Top Russian reality show to go live again

Twelve Russians living in an apartment jammed with video cameras may soon be back on the air after a week in reality-show limbo…

Twelve Russians living in an apartment jammed with video cameras may soon be back on the air after a week in reality-show limbo.

Two Russian networks said today they had acquired rights to broadcast

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, once the top show on independent TV6 which was shut down last week by the Russian authorities.


But a spokeswoman for the show said it was still too early to confirm the new deal, as no contract had yet been signed.

Western governments and ordinary Russians had complained about the closure of TV6, the last independent television network with nationwide reach.

Moscow said the fate of TV6 was purely a business matter after a court ruling upholding a shareholder's complaint that the station was bankrupt.

But TV6 said its popular reality show had reversed its financial failings.

If the deal goes ahead, viewers will get to satisfy their urge to peer into the life at the apartment three times a day.

When TV6 went off the air, only four days into the show's six-week season, the reality programme became an experiment in virtual reality as life in the apartment continued to be filmed.