Top show jumping officers resign over O'Connor award

The chairman and vice-chairman of the Show Jumpers Club have resigned as a result of the controversy surrounding the presentation…

The chairman and vice-chairman of the Show Jumpers Club have resigned as a result of the controversy surrounding the presentation of the club's 'International Rider of the Year' award to Cian O'Connor.

Leading international riders Billy Twomey and Peter Charles had both threatened to resign from membership of the club if the individuals who nominated O'Connor continued in office.

Departing chairman Mr Clement McMahon and vice-chairman Mr Barry O'Connor were unavailable for comment, but The Irish Times has learned their resignations are only from their official posts and they remain club members.

Charles confirmed he had e-mailed his resignation to club secretary Ms Maureen Bagnall yesterday morning and said he would not retract it yet.


"I'll leave it a day or two," he said yesterday. "My resignation is only half the story. At least Clem McMahon and Barry O'Connor have had the sense to do the right thing. Now the award should be withdrawn and given to Kevin Babington, in my view." Babington finished fifth in the Olympics.

The horse on which O'Connor won his Olympic gold medal, Waterford Crystal, subsequently tested positive for two prohibited substances. O'Connor's top speed horse, ABC Landliebe, also failed a dope test in Rome last May.

O'Connor says no performance-enhancing drugs were given to the horse and he will defend himself before an oral hearing of the International Equestrian Federation judicial committee expected to take place next month.

The Show Jumpers Club, which was formed in January 2001, is the official voice of Ireland's international and national riders. The 90- member club is aiming to get two representatives on to the international selection panel next year.

Billy Twomey, who said on Tuesday he would resign from club membership if "the people who instigated giving Cian the award" did not resign, said yesterday he would remain in the club. Twomey missed out on the Olympics when his horse went lame

"Indirectly they've held their hands up by resigning and you've got to give them a bit of respect for that," he said. "In fairness, it's not Cian's fault - it's the people who've given him this award."

Elections to fill the vacancies at the head of the eight-man committee will be held at the club's annual general meeting in Co Kildare next month.