Tories launch 'most ambitious' manifesto

British Tory leader Mr William Hague today launched what he called 'the most ambitious Conservative manifesto for a generation…

British Tory leader Mr William Hague today launched what he called 'the most ambitious Conservative manifesto for a generation."

He vowed to lead the argument for a different kind of Europe that respects the independence of national governments. 'Above all, we will keep the pound," he said.

The document promises £8 billion sterling in tax cuts, including a six pence per litre cut in petrol tax, and cuts in business rates for rural shops, pubs, garages and village post offices.

 William Hague
Tory leader Mr William Hague

Mr Hague said: "This programme proposes going further than any government before in handing back to individuals and families the power to shape their own lives and their own communities."


He told cheering activists at a news conference: "My greatest fear for the country that I love is that we will wake up one day and find that something very precious has been lost without our ever quite realising how or why we let it happen.

"Our streets are becoming more threatening for law-abiding, decent people. The standards in our public services are falling and are lower than we would accept in any other area of our lives.

"We are surrendering to the European Union our ability to run our own affairs," Mr Hague said.

"We will call a halt to the steady erosion of Britain's independence. We will instead lead the argument for a different kind of Europe - a flexible, open Europe that respects the independence of national governments.

"We can't afford four more years that would see the end of our national currency and the beginning of the end of our national independence and vital alliances."

Mr Hague promised the Conservatives would free head-teachers, doctors and the police to do their jobs more efficiently.

He also pledged to 'reverse Labour's cuts in police numbers" and said: "We will hit crime hard, harder than ever before."