Tourism recovery started

INCOMING TOURISM operators have reported the start of a recovery in the industry as international bookings have increased following…

INCOMING TOURISM operators have reported the start of a recovery in the industry as international bookings have increased following a one million drop in overseas visitors last year.

Chief executive of the Irish Tour Operators Association (ITOA) Ruth Andrews said yesterday the outlook was much more positive among members compared to last year because they were starting to see a lift in international markets. “In all the main markets other than the UK people are saying business is coming back,” she said.

Ms Andrews was speaking as ITOA members who operate incoming travel and tours to Ireland gathered for a forum looking ahead to 2011.

She said the tourism market began to see a lift sooner than the domestic market because it happened as soon as the international market began to recover. However, a late-booking pattern had emerged and looked like it would remain as tourists waited longer to get the best deal.


Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport Mary Hanafin was also optimistic about the recovery of the industry in Ireland as she spoke in one the her first official engagements in her new portfolio.

“I have been encouraged by what I am hearing from business here today that there are signs of the start of an upturn in bookings for the coming year,” she said.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times