Transportation plan given a rough ride

Defending the €34 billion transportation plan, Leader of the House Mary O'Rourke said that it was not an investment in wasting…

Defending the €34 billion transportation plan, Leader of the House Mary O'Rourke said that it was not an investment in wasting, adding: "And we had that word this morning from that aviation bootboy - that's all I can call him." To "oohs" from the Opposition, Mrs O'Rourke remarked: "I'll say it very clearly. You are all mad about him lately, I notice."

When the Cathaoirleach, Rory Kiely, told Mrs O'Rourke that her description was not a proper one, she replied that she had not named anyone.

Brendan Ryan (Lab) said it was an achievement for this Government of wasters to be able to convince the people of Cork that an announcement which delayed introducing suburban rail there by up to a year was good news.

Joanna Tuffy (Lab) said that Fianna Fáil must have decided that its seats in the west of Ireland were safe, because nothing had been done for that area. "They must really be worried about their vote in Lucan, because we're getting Luas, metro and a train service all at once. It doesn't wash with me and it won't wash with the voters."