Traveller shot dead at farmhouse buried

Three hundred relatives and friends attended the funeral Mass yesterday for Mr John "Frog" Ward, who was shot dead at a farm …

Three hundred relatives and friends attended the funeral Mass yesterday for Mr John "Frog" Ward, who was shot dead at a farm near Cross, Co Mayo, last week.

The dead man's six sons, five daughters and widow Marie led the mourners at the Mass in Ballyshannon, Co Donegal, and later at his burial 20 miles away in the family plot in Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim.

Pubs in both towns shut their doors as Travellers from all over the west and north-west gathered for the services.

Gardaí maintained a strong but discreet presence in Ballyshannon where the funeral procession wound through narrow streets, and past the house where the family lived for 25 years before moving two years ago to Galway.


There was a larger and more obvious Garda presence at the graveyard in Manorhamilton. There were no incidents and no arrests.

Father Aodhán Cannon, who officiated at the Mass, told the family they had the sympathy of the clergy and the people of Ballyshannon.

He referred to Mr Ward's "untimely death" which had spread a "black veil" over the weekend.

He urged the congregation to be peaceful towards one another and to care for the bereaved family which was not going to have an easy time over the next few months.

Mr Ward was with his 18-year-old son when he was shot dead on the land of bachelor farmer Mr Pádraig Nally, near Cross in Co Mayo.

Gardaí have extended their investigation into last week's fatal shooting following reports of several robberies and attempted robberies in the area over recent months.

However, the investigating team is keeping an open mind on the circumstances leading up to Mr Ward's death, which occurred on Thursday afternoon at Funshona close to the Galway border.

The final post mortem examination report has not yet been completed, but Garda sources said yesterday that it appeared Mr Ward had been shot twice, sustaining wounds in his side and "to the rear".

Mr Ward was known to gardaí and had several convictions. It is understood that Mr Ward had travelled to the area with his son, and had been seen in the village of Cross some hours before his death. His son was taken in for questioning after the incident and later released.

The investigating team has denied reports that the owner of the farmhouse, who was also questioned for a time, is under Garda protection.

Neighbours reported that he had lived in fear following three robberies by unknown burglars in a little over a year.