Trial of Derry man for murder

A jury of seven women and five men has been sworn in at the Central Criminal Court to try a Derry man accused of the murder of…

A jury of seven women and five men has been sworn in at the Central Criminal Court to try a Derry man accused of the murder of a woman in Derry last year.

Stephen Cahoon, Harvey Street, Derry, has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Jean Teresa Quigley on July 26th, 2008, at a house in Cornshell Fields, Derry.

The trial, which is expected to last two weeks, will begin this morning.

Mr Cahoon was arrested in Donegal and at an earlier hearing, he opted to be tried in the Republic, as he was entitled to do under the Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act.


Normally only terrorist- related offences committed in Northern Ireland are tried in the Republic.