Trial of judge on pornography charge adjourned

The trial of Circuit court judge Brian Curtin at Tralee Circuit Court on a charge of child-pornography possession has been adjourned…

The trial of Circuit court judge Brian Curtin at Tralee Circuit Court on a charge of child-pornography possession has been adjourned until tomorrow.

He is charged with knowingly possessing child pornography under the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act, (1998).

Judge Curtin has pleaded not guilty to the charge of knowingly possessing child pornography contrary to Section Six of the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998, at his home in Tralee on May 27th, 2002.

The trial before Judge Karl Moran was adjourned shortly after lunch following an application by prosecution counsel Ms Mary Ellen Ring SC.


If convicted he faces a maximum sentence of five years in jail with a fine of up to €6,300.