Trial of man charged with raping mother

The trial of a man accused of raping his mother on the night of Mother’s Day three years ago has opened at the Central Criminal…

The trial of a man accused of raping his mother on the night of Mother’s Day three years ago has opened at the Central Criminal Court.

The 45-year-old Dublin man has pleaded not guilty to raping the woman (65) at her home on March 2nd or 3rd, 2008.

Gerard Clarke SC, prosecuting, told the jury it would hear that the accused admitted having sexual intercourse with his mother but that he said it was consensual.

Giollaíosa Ó Lideadha SC, defending, put it to the victim, now aged 70 and walking with the aid of a stick, that the combination of alcohol, medication and a “very complicated history between you and [her son]” caused confusion in her mind.


She denied this, saying: “Are you trying to tell me I’m mad? Only a mad woman would do that, or someone very very disturbed.”

She said she thought she had blacked out then because she did not know how she ended up on the floor with her son.

The trial continues before Mr Justice Barry White and a jury of four men and eight women.