Trimble defends threat to resign over arms

The British general election campaign has entered its first full day in the North with First Minister Mr David Trimble defending…

The British general election campaign has entered its first full day in the North with First Minister Mr David Trimble defending his threat to resign unless the IRA disarms.

The Ulster Unionist Party leader denies the move is linked to the June 7th vote, insisting a deadline set down for movement on weapons must be met.

Mr David Trimble

He said: "I know I could go through this election without taking this action. I'm not doing it for electoral purposes, I'm doing it because I'm giving people a clear signal. June is the date for full implementation.

"Unfortunately the election comes on June 7th and then you've only a few weeks afterwards and there would be people only too ready to avoid doing things in that time. I'm making it absolutely clear now - they've eight weeks to focus their minds on it."


Mr Trimble has come under fire from opponents and supporters of the Belfast Agreement alike over his announcement made to the Assembly yesterday.