Turkish Cypriots move south

Nicosia - A dispute has arisen over the more than 200 Turkish Cypriots who have braved the mine-strewn buffer zone to seek sanctuary…

Nicosia - A dispute has arisen over the more than 200 Turkish Cypriots who have braved the mine-strewn buffer zone to seek sanctuary in the Greek Cypriot south of the island during the past few months, Michael Jansen reports. Most of the new "refugees" have been temporarily housed, at government expense, in hotels and hostels in Limassol and Paphos. The Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr Rauf Denktash, has accused the Greek Cypriots of instigating the migration. He has also accused the Prime Minister, Mr Dervis Eroglu, of driving the economy of north Cyprus to "hit rock bottom", suggesting that some of the Turkish Cypriot refugees are economic migrants seeking a better life.