TV show of dying woman criticised

NETHERLANDS: A new Dutch reality television show, in which a terminally ill woman is to select one of three contestants to receive…

NETHERLANDS:A new Dutch reality television show, in which a terminally ill woman is to select one of three contestants to receive her kidneys, is to air this week despite widespread criticism.

The government has called for the show to be dropped because it is "unethical" and "wretched", but the broadcaster, BNN, claimed it highlighted the difficulties of searching for kidney donors.

In the show, due to be broadcast on Friday, a woman identified only as Lisa (37), will select a recipient based on their history, profile and conversations with their families and friends. Viewers will be invited to send Lisa text messages to advise her.

There is evidence an increasing number of Dutch viewers have been turning away from reality TV, of which the Netherlands is a pioneer. Attempts in 2005 to launch a sperm donor show, in which a woman was to select a father for her baby in front of the cameras, collapsed following a public outcry. - (Guardian service)