TV3 defends Lenihan cancer broadcast

TV3 LAST night defended its decision to disclose Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan’s cancer diagnosis in a broadcast on St Stephen…

TV3 LAST night defended its decision to disclose Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan’s cancer diagnosis in a broadcast on St Stephen's Day.

"The report was a legitimate and important news story because it was professionally and properly sourced and because the minister's health is a matter of public interest, the station said in a statement read out on the station's Tonight with Vincent Browneprogramme last night.

No TV3 representative appeared on the programme.

The station also defended the timing of the report which it acknowledged was an “extremely sensitive issue. “TV3 believes that there is a professional obligation to distribute news to our viewers as it occurs and was known and that we held the report for as long as feasible within that obligation.


The station said that it was a “profoundly difficult judgment call and we accept that others may reasonably have concluded differently.

It was reviewing complaints sent to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and was taking them “very seriously” and “will respond in due course”.

On Monday the Minister for Finance revealed that cancer had been diagnosed on a tumour at the entrance to his pancreas and would be undergoing treatment.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times