Two arrested at Shannon anti-war protest

Two people were arrested tonight during an anti-war demonstration at Shannon Airport.

Two people were arrested tonight during an anti-war demonstration at Shannon Airport.

Between 50 and 100 people gathered to object against the airport being used as a stopover point for American military aircraft en route to Afghanistan and US troops on their way back from bases in Germany.

The protesters were not allowed into the terminal and instead lined the perimeter fence holding placards and chanting slogans.

It was claimed that one garda was assaulted as scuffles broke out when some of the demonstrators tried to break through the perimeter fence.


A spokesman for the Garda said the officer was not injured, but confirmed the arrests.

"A number of people gathered at the airport and as a result of the actions of some of those people and the resulting Garda operation two people were arrested and taken into custody," he said.

It is understood one of the people was arrested for public order offences, while the other was arrested under the Air Navigation Act.

"Gardaí are still at the scene as are a number of demonstrators," the spokesman added.

The decision to allow troops to use the airport as a stopover point prompted controversy, not just among the anti-war movement, but also among others who said the policy contravened Ireland's constitutional neutrality.

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, justified the move when complaints were first raised, saying that Ireland did not stand neutral against terrorism.