Two charged with planning UK terrorist attack

Two men were charged today under anti-terrorism laws with planning to carry out an attack in Britain, possibly on a hospital, …

Two men were charged today under anti-terrorism laws with planning to carry out an attack in Britain, possibly on a hospital, police said.

Waseem Mughal and Younis Tsouli, both British and aged 22, were accused of conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to cause an explosion, along with other offences.

A third man, Tariq Al-Daour, was also charged with offences relating to the possession of money and fundraising for terrorist purposes.

The men, who were arrested last month, will appear before magistrates in London later today.


On Wednesday, the head of London's police force, Sir Ian Blair, said anti-terrorism detectives had thwarted attempted attacks in the past few weeks and warned that Britain faced a repeat of the July 7th suicide bombings in London that killed 52 people.