Two freed after being held by police in Holyhead

Two Irish citizens being held by police in Wales under anti-terrorism laws were released without charge yesterday.

Two Irish citizens being held by police in Wales under anti-terrorism laws were released without charge yesterday.

A 47-year-old man and a 44-year-old woman, both Algerian-born naturalised Irish citizens, had been arrested under Britain's terrorism act in Holyhead on August 11th.

A spokeswoman for North Wales Police said yesterday: "After careful consideration of existing evidence and close liaison with the Crown Prosecution Service, a decision has been taken to release from custody the two individuals arrested under the terrorism act at Holyhead on August 11th."

The arrested man - who is based mainly in Britain - is known to gardaí, but sources said he was not regarded as posing any significant threat.


The woman, who had been staying for some time at an address in Clondalkin, west Dublin, had travelled to Wales, where the two were to meet on a ferry from Ireland.

The couple have four children, at least one of whom was born in the Republic.

Following the arrests in Holyhead, British police contacted gardaí to request the search of a house in Clondalkin. While some documentation was examined, a thorough search of the property yielded little of interest.

Details of the couple's detention were revealed by North Wales Police last Thursday when detectives successfully applied to a district judge at Holyhead Magistrates Court for a further five days to question the pair. This detention period ended yesterday.