Two in court over kidnap case

Two men who have pleaded guilty to abducting a renegade republican two years ago appeared in a Belfast court today after being…

Two men who have pleaded guilty to abducting a renegade republican two years ago appeared in a Belfast court today after being recaptured by police.

Gerard McCrory (34) and Thomas Tolan (35) kidnapped Bobby Tohill from a Belfast bar in February 2004.

The captives were arrested yesterday on the main Belfast to Dublin road near Belfast. Two others are still at large.

The kidnapping caused a hiccup in the political process after PSNI Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde blamed the Provisional IRA.


McCrory, from Dermott Hill Road, Belfast, and Tolan, from Ballymurphy Parade, Belfast, spoke only to confirm their names at the city's Crown Court this morning.

Mr Tohill was rescued by police after the van in which he was being carried was stopped. He was taken from Kelly's Cellars bar.

The four escaped in May last year after pleading guilty to kidnap. They had been released on bail and were due to be sentenced.