Two jailed for attempt to blackmail royal

BRITAIN: Two men were jailed for five years yesterday for what a judge called a "dirty, filthy and hideous" attempt to blackmail…

BRITAIN:Two men were jailed for five years yesterday for what a judge called a "dirty, filthy and hideous" attempt to blackmail a member of the royal family with a recording featuring claims he had performed a gay sex act on an employee.

Ian Strachan (31) and Sean McGuigan (41) were found guilty of attempting to blackmail the royal, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, for £50,000 (€64,000) after failing to sell the story to a number of national newspapers in Britain.

The recordings contained material from a man employed in the royal household which, if ever published, would have the potential to "cause embarrassment and hurt to his employer", prosecutors said.

The recordings also contained "scandalous and disparaging remarks" about other royals, the Old Bailey court heard.


Prosecutors said that between March and July 2007, Strachan approached several newspapers - the News of the World, the Sun, the Sunday Express, Mail on Sunday - and publicist Max Clifford to try and sell the material, asking for a "substantial sum".

When that failed, the pair approached the royal. They were arrested after an undercover police sting at a London hotel.

In statements read to the jury, the royal, know as Witness A, denounced the tape's allegations as "without foundation".

Sentencing the two men, Justice Jeremy Cooke described the crime as "dirty, filthy and hideous". "This offence is one of the most unpleasant and vicious crimes in the criminal calendar," he said. "The corrosive evil of blackmail means that any sentence must have a deterrent effect."

The jury was told that in early 2007, Strachan and McGuigan made a series of audio and video recordings of witness D - the employee in the royal household - asserting the member of the extended royal family had performed oral sex on him.

Strachan, a fashion stylist, made the recordings of witness D on McGuigan's mobile phone and then downloaded them on to his computer, the court heard.