Two sentenced to seven years

Two men were sentenced to seven years' imprisonment, three of them suspended, at Limerick Circuit Court yesterday for damaging…

Two men were sentenced to seven years' imprisonment, three of them suspended, at Limerick Circuit Court yesterday for damaging the property of the Limerick State Solicitor.

Before the court were Michael Moore (40) and Stephen Ring (35), both of Hyde Road, Prospect, Limerick, who were charged before Judge Kevin Haugh with damaging the property of the Limerick State Solicitor, Mr Michael Murray, at his offices in O'Connell Street, Limerick, on July 17th. Both men pleaded guilty.

A detective sergeant said a third man, not before the Circuit Court, appeared to have been the mastermind behind the attack. He has appeared before the District Court on a similar charge.

He told the court that the two accused and a third man met in a flat at Catherine Street where petrol bombs were primed. The two men were told by the third that the intended target was a solicitor's office. Both Moore and Ring had previous convictions and the court heard the charge carried a sentence of 10 years' imprisonment.