Two still held by gardai investigating Sacco killing

A MAN and woman who were arrested yesterday in connection with the fatal shooting of Mr Franco Sacco in Dublin last week, were…

A MAN and woman who were arrested yesterday in connection with the fatal shooting of Mr Franco Sacco in Dublin last week, were released late last night. Two other women are still being held.

Mr Sacco, an Italian national who ran Luigi's fast food restaurant in Rathfarnham, was shot in the head in the bedroom of his home in Templeogue on Thursday night. The weapon used was his legally held shotgun.

The four were being held under Section 30 of the Criminal Justice Act, which allows for detention for two consecutive periods of 24 hours.

Gardai said the four were all arrested at the same address in south Co Dublin and were members of the same family. They said they were sceptical about the story of the 15 year old girl who went to Rathfarnham Garda station on Thursday and implicated herself in the killing. "She is only a slip of a girl and Sacco was a short, stocky man. We don't believe she could have done it," gardai told The Irish Times.


They added that evidence at the scene of the crime led them to believe that more than one person was involved.

Mr Sacco was married to a daughter of Mr Luigi Sacco, who owns a number of restaurants in the Dublin area.