Two weeks for nominations

Nominations for the presidential election will close at noon two weeks from today, the Minister for the Environment and Rural…

Nominations for the presidential election will close at noon two weeks from today, the Minister for the Environment and Rural Development, Mr Dempsey, said yesterday. He said he had made an order under the Presidential Election Acts, 1993, appointing noon on Tuesday, September 30th, as the deadline for receipt of nominations. Polling day will be Thursday, October 30th, and polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in 41 constituencies.

The returning officer will be Mr Peter Greene, a principal officer in the Department of the Environment and Rural Development. Every Irish citizen who is on the register of electors for a constituency is entitled to vote. The total electorate stands at 2,688,316.

People who are not included in the 1997-98 register of electors can apply for entry in the supplement of the register.

Applications for entry in the supplement, which should be made to the local county council or city corporation, close on October 11th.


Only people aged over 18 and not already registered as an elector at another address are eligible for inclusion in the supplement to the register.

Roddy O'Sullivan

Roddy O'Sullivan

Roddy O'Sullivan is a Duty Editor at The Irish Times