Typhoon in Philippines sinks ferry leaving 845 feared dead

PHILIPPINES: ANXIOUS RELATIVES crowded the offices of a shipping line last night as fears grew for the fate of up to 845 passengers…

PHILIPPINES:ANXIOUS RELATIVES crowded the offices of a shipping line last night as fears grew for the fate of up to 845 passengers and crew aboard a ferry that capsized in a typhoon that lashed the central Philippines.

As darkness fell hope was fading that any of the missing would be found alive after a coastguard ship, battling huge seas and fierce winds, finally reached the MV Princess of Starsto find only its bow jutting from the water several kilometres off shore.

Three survivors were found by villagers on Sibuyan island. But a further six bodies, including a man and woman who had lashed themselves together, were found washed up on the shore.

Radio contact with the 23,824-tonne ferry was lost on Saturday after its engines failed and it ran aground on a sandbank as Typhoon Fengshen, packing winds of up to 194km/h (121mph), battered the Philippines and whipped up enormous seas.


President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo berated the civil defence and coastguard authorities, demanding to know why the Cebu-bound ferry was allowed to leave port in Manila on Friday when it was clear that the typhoon, the sixth this year, would hit the sprawling archipelago.

The Philippines Red Cross said at least 155 people across the country had been killed after high winds ripped off roofs and torrential rain triggered deadly mud slides and flash flooding. Thousands more were made homeless by the storm.

Sulpicio Lines, the ferry's owners, said the ship's manifest showed there were 626 passengers and 121 crews aboard when it set sail, but local reports said the number on board could have been over 800.

Coastguards lost contact with the ferry at 12.30pm on Saturday after the captain reported engine failure and said his vessel was drifting helplessly in the stormy seas.

Fuel and other cargo were dumped overboard in an effort to lighten the load.

A rescue effort was beaten back by the ferocious weather and it was not until yesterday that the first of four coastguard ships reached the area. Sibuyan islanders could see the stricken ferry out to sea.

Dozens of passengers' relatives waited for word at Sulpicio Lines' Manila offices.

"I'm very worried. I need to know what happened to my family," said Felino Farionin, his voice cracking. His wife, son and four in-laws were on board.

Lina Salinas said she had waved farewell to her sister before the 22-hour voyage, aware there was a typhoon alert, but discounted it as the warning signal was only at "1" - the lowest level.

"We knew it was signal 'No 1' at the time, but we were not really worried because it was not raining here at all," she said.

"But the ship should not have been allowed to leave."

In a conference call with civil defence and coastguard chiefs played live on national radio, Ms Arroyo was angry and equally puzzled that the ship was allowed to leave port.

"Why did you allow it to sail and why was there no ample warning?" she asked. "I want answers."

The rising death toll across the country included 59 in the province of Iloilo, where another 40 people were also missing with many towns left flooded by the relentless downpour. "Iloilo is like an ocean," said the province's governor, Neil Tupaz.

"This is the worst disaster we have had in our history."

In neighbouring Capiz more than 2,000 houses were destroyed in the main town, while officials were having difficulty making any contact at all with communities in more remote districts.

"The flooding is massive," said Maria Barnes, a development officer for the local government. "Roads are impassable so we cannot penetrate the municipalities. Some areas are in waist-deep waters, only 10-wheeler trucks can be used."

Much of Manila was without power after the typhoon struck a glancing blow.

Traffic lights were out across the city and passengers at the main airport were relying on generators as they crammed into the terminal awaiting delayed or rescheduled flights.

- (Guardian service)